Work with me

I'm available to help you choose your tech stack, develop your application, or review your code.

I have over 5 years experience building web applications, APIs services using different languages and technologies. I value friendliness and kindness in interactions, and simplicity and clarity in code, architecture and workflows.

I speak both technology and business. I'm just as happy to talk with you about return on investment as relational databases. In fact, where the two areas meet is where I like to work most.

What I can help you with

  1. Planning for your project or startup — You can hire me to help you define the requirements for your project, pick the right technology stack, and architect the infrastructure. I can help create both high-level roadmaps and detailed technical specifications to turn your vision into reality.

  2. Software development — I can work with you to write the code for your web applications, APIs and RPC services. I'm proficient with Laravel, Nestjs or Go.

  3. Code review — If you'd like an experienced second set of eyes to go over your code then I'm happy to help.

How it works

To start with, we'll schedule a video call to discuss what you want to accomplish and then we can move forward from there. Sessions start at one hour.

I only take on consultancy work where I'm positive that it's a good fit for both you and me, and I'm confident that I'll be able to provide support in the long term if needed. I'm a native English speaker and wherever you are in the world, I'm happy to work remotely with you.

Please feel free to email me at to introduce yourself and start the conversation.